Monday, February 22, 2010

Some things never change

I was just about to change the name of this blog since you'd think we'd now be out of the "sleepless nights" phase of child raising. But we're not. Just last night Marina was up 3 times and Dylan was up once. So for now it stays. Someone please tell me that they'll eventually sleep through the night. Consistently. Please?

Friday, February 19, 2010

Dylan's b-day pics

I keep waiting to get caught up in my life and then i can spend about 15 hours getting caught up on the blog ... but that's not going to happen. So, here are a bunch of random recent photos - starting with Dylan's birthday. Enjoy!

Dylan's 4th birthday!!

The bike!

The cake!

Mimi's Gift!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Utah, I mean North Carolina, Ski Vacation

We've been SO excited about our upcoming trip to Park City, Utah. We were fortunate enough to be asked to join a group from Rich's, Bryan's company, on a sales incentive trip to an amazing resort in Park City. We had Dylan signed up for 2 full days of ski school and Marina in a nice daycare - Bry & I were looking forward to a little skiing and a little down time. However, Mother Nature had different plans in store for us. Note: remember we never tell Dylan about trips, visitors, parties. He gets so excited that he can't sleep. However, we broke our own cardinal rule for this trip because we wanted to get him warmed up to the idea of skiing - show him videos, etc. Let that be a lesson to us...

We were supposed to leave Friday morning at 6:30 from Savannah. Get a call on Thursday at lunch that our flights were cancelled and rebooked for Satruday. After 2 hours of calls with the travel agent and Delta (so thankful to Wendy for helping us coordinate all of that) we were set to leave at 5:30 AM on Saturday. Lots of the other people going on the trip scrambled Thursday evening and found other flights for Friday - some even drove to Orlando to get out! We spent the night at a hotel in Savannah since our flight was ridiculously early. Got everyone in bed at 8:30 given our 3am wakeup call. About 10 minutes after we turned out the lights we get the call that our flights were cancelled AGAIN. Now they have us scheduled on a Sunday afternoon flight, arriving in Utah late Sunday evening, and we were scheduled to return first thing Tuesday morning. So, we decided to skip the trip. We were all packed up for a winter vacation - and Dylan had his heart set on seeing snow - so we planned to drive north. Unsure of where we'd end up, but somewhere with snow. Shouldn't be too hard considering we were having SNOW FLURRIES in Savannah. Crazy, right?

Oh - and for the record, we tried to call Delta for 2 hours Friday night and their phones went straight to a message telling us they weren't taking calls and to call back at a later time or go to This same message played on their phones all day Sunday and all day Monday - I finally gave up. Still don't know if they'll do the right thing and refund our tickets or not...

Saturday morning we woke up to snow in Savannah. If you squint you can see the snow on the bushes. I know it may not look like much, but for Savannah this was pure excitement! Dylan was in heaven and we hadn't even begun yet!

Then we headed north. Some good friends, the Keens, told us about Sapphire Valley, NC and said it was about 4 or 5 hours north of Savannah. Seemed good enough to us so we started driving. No hotel reservations, no idea of the weather, no plans. Just driving north.

Somewhere along I-26. D making snow angels. Probably at a janky gas station and my precious son is laying in the gnarly bushes. This is when I just turn my head and pretend to not pay attention to all the germs jumping on him. Instead I just look at that smile. He's beyond excited!

So we began on this journey thinking it would take us about 5 or 6 hours to get to Sapphire Valley. Um, it took us 10 hours. There was a detour which took us way out of the way then we got lost in all the mountainous, curvy roads. The last 3 hours of the drive were BRUTAL! The kids were sick of being in the car, Bryan & I were edgy. We finally arrive in Sapphire Valley and find a "lodge" to stay at. Dylan was scared of it because it didn't look like a normal hotel to him - it was all wood and more like a cabin or an Inn. Definitely not a Hilton with an elevator & indoor swimming pool!

Before even unpacking we found a local restaurant so we could eat, decompress and mommy could have a drink. The kids were out of control at this point and sitting in a restaurant was the LAST think they wanted to do. Oh ... this is when the worst part happens. Waitress comes to our table to take our drink order. IT'S A DRY COUNTY!! This is a mean joke - our posh vacation plans were smashed, we spent 10 days, I mean hours, in the car to arrive in what looked like the middle of no where and you're going to tell me there's not a single glass of wine in the county. ARGH!

Dinner was short, to say the least. We went back to our lodge and unloaded. This was actually the best part so far ... our suite was really nice. Two floors, tons of room for the kids, kitchen, etc. Would've been even better with a stocked liquor cabinet but I'm learning that sometimes I ask for too much! :)

Fun at the cabin!

More cabin & snow fun ... for Dyl, not so much for Marina!

The next morning we get up & head to the ski resort. They have a "snow tubing" thing that is apparently great for families. It's a 500 foot hill with a 60 foot drop. Not too scary for kids and adults ... but not for BABIES! They assured me they have children Marina's age and size do this all the time. And they told me she had to go down the hill in an intertube by herself. We could hold on to her tube, but she had to be solo. Seriously? Um, ok. I'll give it a whirl ... this is an adventure, right? We get our intertubes, get pulled up the hill on this weird pully-system thingy, get to the top, Bryan puts Marina in her tube and before I could even react he jumped on top of his tube and down the hill they went. He said she looked bewildered the entire time. So Dylan & I quickly jump on our tubes and go down - he loved it. I thought it was OK (have to admit I did get a little scared - they guy sent me down backwards so I couldn't see anything - just the other people being pulled up the hill whizzing by.) I get to the bottom where Bryan, D & Reenie are slowly getting out of the tubes and I plow right into them. Naturally all the people around start cheering as I take out my whole family.

At this point Marina is done. Wants nothing to do with this. So she & I hang out & watch Bryan & Dylan come down one more time. She's refusing to wear a hat or gloves and she's freezing. After that, she & I go to the "lodge" and have coffee & milk. For the next hour & a half. So: $25 per person for 2 hours + Marina & Mommy only going down once = Good sales job by the ticket dude!

After the boys are done tubing we leave the ski resort & head to a place for lunch that serves booze. Yes, I know it's only noon on Sunday, but it's been a long 36 hours. It's about a 2 minute drive from the ski lift & by the time we pull into a parking space Marina is asleep - thwarted again! We go back to our lodge, Marina naps, Dylan & I have a fun lunch at the coffee shop, Bryan relaxes. 2 hours later Marina wakes up and we're off to our next adventure - afternoon in Highlands. It's about 15 minutes away. By the time we get to Highlands Dylan is asleep. So we drive around for 2 hours - me jumping out at the cute shops and everyone else hanging out in the car. We did find a beer & wine store in Highlands. Halleluiah!

We go back to Cashiers (don't think I ever mentioned - that's the town where we're staying) at 5ish. Bryan & I each down a drink & we head over to an Italian restaurant for Valentine's Day dinner. It's one of the only restaurants open in the entire town - there's a snow storm coming on Sunday night/Monday & all the locals seem pretty freaked out. After dinner we're too stuffed to drink anymore. Yes, all that whining I did about no wine and now I can only drink one glass. Serves me right!

Wake up on Monday morning to 3-4 inches of fresh snow. We decide to pack up, head to the ski resort for a lesson for Dylan and then attempt to get down the mountain. Dylan played out in the snow for an hour while we were packing. He was in heaven! Drive to the resort & Marina is asleep when we get there. So Bry & D head to the ski lesson and I hang in the car with Marina. He LOVED his ski lesson. After an hour I finally woke her up because it was killing me to not see him. I made it just in time for his last run down the hill. His smile and pure joy made the previous 48 hours not even matter!! This is exactly what it's all about!

Marina during ski lessons

Dylan & his instructor

Dylan rocks it!

D crashes!

Post ski glow!

Post ski lesson we all played in the snow, built a snowman and had a snowball fight. Nothing better than that! Then we headed home. Only took us about 8 hours to get home. MUCH better than what we'd expected!

All in all it was a fun weekend. We certainly made the best of it and Dylan had a FANTASTIC time just playing in the snow! However, I still feel the need for a do-over trip to Park City...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

We're baaaack...

OK, I'm not caught up on life, but have realized that I'm never going to be. So, I'm just biting the bullet and beginning to blog again. I think I've been waiting for that "ahhh, I'm all caught up and nothing else to do" moment "I guess I can blog now". However, there's always children to chase, work to do, laundry to get clean, toys to pick up, phone calls to return and a husband to talk to. So getting caught up just doesn't seem likely in my near, 10-15 year future. If you hear me saying that I'm trying to get caught up refer me to this post!

Anyway, here's my latest funny moment. Dylan is in the terrible 3-and-a-halfs and always tormenting his sister. I'd warned him many times today to be nice to her and stop harrassing her. He was chasing her through the house, they were following me naturally, I heard someone hit the floor and Marina began crying. I turned around to see blood everywhere and she was holding her breath. I instantly knew that Dylan had pushed her. I swooped her up and sent him to timeout in the corner (more on that in another post - timeout is hysterical at our house!). After I got her calmed down and realized all the blood was just from a tiny cut in her mouth I asked why he'd pushed her (he's still in time out, though). He was adamant that he didn't push her and in his struggled speech he basically told me that she'd tripped. Which is ENTIRELY possible! Then he said "Mommy, baby fee go bee-out, no weee". Translation: "Marina's feet need to go to timeout, not me."

I smiled, knowing I was wrong to immediately suspect him. And reluctantly released him from his timeout prison. And poured a glass of wine.

Up next - a million pics from the last few months just to get caught up!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

bazillion photos ... part deux

Okay, here are more pics. No real order just me being obnoxious and posting way too many photos of my kiddos. Once this mokey is off my back I'll post some true updates on the family :)

Dylan's birthday
(party #2 - he had a party in Indiana, too. Talk about spoiled!!)

Sassy little Marina

Dylan and his playmate

Marina with a cute flower in her hair (along with her newly found food allergies!!)

Dylan reverting back to ...

my favorite photo! I love that smile!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Paris in the Spring

Thanks to Auntie Vicki, Marina is all ready for a runway show in Paris with this tres chic new outfit. Oh wait, she can't walk yet! There's always next year!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

a bazillion photos!

Since I haven't posted in such a long time I figured I'd dump a bunch of photos and let them do the talking. Here's the first batch. Enjoy!
Halloween 2008
Marina was a kitty and a pumpkin. You know how a girl can never have just one choice! :)

Dylan was, of course, a scary pirate!

Christmas Road Trip

Dylan breakdancing at the bowling alley. uh-huh....

Papaw Tim with the kiddos

Mimi and Marina (dressed like a candy cane it looks like)

Christmas Eve